Friday, September 9, 2011

Disappointment switched Proactive turned Birth of the SSS100P.

The unacceptablexpected became a reoccurance for us these past day(s) & not a complaint to have of it. The consistant letdown, wonderfully enough, called forth the need of a Staff Sergaent I refer to as Scientist 100%.

As of recently, I've been dipping these Grinch flavored fingers into every crockpot I could knock over just to merely have a taste of it all. In doing so, I am now bloated. SSS100P has the specific purpose of not only making sure I follow through in all the shit I've began, but watching my fantasy world grow.. Beginning with documenting where I currently stand with it all. More likely than not, all intended tracking and/or findings will be reference here since I honestly have no "want" of revamping when this has done me well in the past.

World of Make Happen:
  • Compile Musical Recordings.
  • Transfer laptop files onto EX-HD.
  • Pixel Art.
  • Complete all'a everything within GTA: San Andreas.
  • Upload Jit/Racing videos to view progression.
  • Upload Jit/Car meet photos to view beauty.
  • Complete commissioned/free lance graphics.
  • Make this btch look mo'fiyah.
O'les do this.